Sleep paralysis and Overcoming the Fear.
Imagine this. One morning you wake up, you look around your room but something feels off. You try to get up and you immediately realize that you're paralyzed! You think back to the stories you've heard about sleep paralysis and start fearing that you'll see a sleep paralysis demon. Right after you think that thought, a sleep paralysis demon shows up on your chest! What a coincidence! All of a sudden you feel like you can't breathe. You grasp for air but none enters your lungs. You struggle for what feels like 30 minutes while this ominous entity is standing there until finally, everything comes back to normal, the entity is gone and you can move again.
Sleep Paralysis
Sleep paralysis is a major aspect of astral projection, It is also a major barrier. Many people do not manage to astral project simply because they are afraid of sleep paralysis. I will go over what sleep paralysis is and how to get over the fear so that you can successfully astral project.
What is sleep paralysis?
In order to get rid of the fear of sleep paralysis, you first need to understand what it is. Sleep paralysis is a widely known phenomenon where when someone is either falling asleep or waking up they are paralyzed in their bed, eyes open. People in this state will also tend to see various entities such as shadow beings, monsters, demons, etc. It can be very scary and even traumatizing to an individual if they do not know what is happening.
Contrary to some beliefs, sleep paralysis and its accompanying shadow beings are not demonic. When sleep paralysis occurs we are halfway between awake and asleep. We can be awake but having dream-like hallucinations. Whatever you think will happen will tend to happen. If you think you've been abducted by aliens, all of a sudden you will rise from your bed and get taken to a spaceship. Then, if you fall asleep while you're being "abducted", you may have a dream that you're surrounded by aliens. Then when you wake up you will have a very real and vivid memory of being abducted by aliens.
Sleep paralysis usually occurs one of two times. If it happens while falling asleep, it's called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. If it happens as you are waking up, it's called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis.
Incidences of sleep paralysis are recorded in writing and medical texts throughout history with varying types of interpretation and assumptions around causes.
Also, the reason most people feel like they can't breathe in that state is that their body is paralyzed, but they're trying to breathe in more air because their body is getting ready to either fight or run away. Trying to breathe hard and paralysis don't mix well.
Sleep Paralysis Use in Astral Projection
How to get over your fear
Something that I would recommend, however, is staying in that state and practicing not being afraid. If you find yourself in this state, consider it a challenge and see how little you can fear it. Maybe even try manipulating the situation into something funny. Eventually, like every fear, you will get used to sleep paralysis and you will start to take advantage of it rather than fear it. In order to do this, however, first, you need to experience sleep paralysis.
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