I am going to write exactly what I wrote in my astral projection journal on this blog. This is an astral projection experience I had in the early stages of learning how to astral project. Keep in mind that I was trying to get what I experienced and remembered written down rather than trying to make it organized. Anyways I hope you guys learn something from it. Enjoy!

                                    Astral Projection experience

                                                                                June 27, 2020

     I astral projected two times, the first memory Is fading but the second one I heard a beautiful singing voice, absolutely beautiful. I couldn't make out what she was saying. Anyways I opened my eyes and tried to move, considering that I couldn't, I crawled out of bed to my left onto a couch. I couldn't turn my head to the left or to the right. I stayed like that crawling for maybe 20 seconds, then to get back in my body I thought about my body and tried to move, everything went black and when I woke up. I was disoriented. I can't recall the first one RIGHT NOW but I definitely had one.

    I just remembered something in the first one. I remember seeing light on the wall and noticing that it was daytime. On the second one, I remember opening my eyes with the usual feeling of heaviness and crawling off my bed to a couch, kinda like the couch outside my room, I opened my eyes after hearing the singing.

     I just remembered that before I projected, I felt slight vibrations and I put them on my forehead and I remember seeing an alien face in the darkness. Anyways I opened my eyes and crawled onto this couch and it was a little hard to see but I could, and as I was crawling I think that electronic music was playing. As I was slowly crawling I saw weird darkness to my right and something else to my left. I remember being excited and thinking "I may forget this, but I'm experiencing it now". Which I think is why I mostly remember the second experience. Also, I think that the second one basically overwrote the first. And when I started to try to wake myself up completely, I was very disoriented. I didn't know what was to my right or what was to my left. 

    While in the shower, I remembered that I had been visualizing my room, and all of a sudden the visualization became realistic as if I projected there I think that visualization techniques are the way to go with astral projection.

                                              POSSIBLE REASON FOR SUCCESS

    When I got up at 6:00am I said "today's the day!" (For astral projection) many times and got excited about it. I listened to binaural beats for about 30 minutes, then just rolled over to try to sleep, eventually, I started to realize that I was falling asleep, so I started the visualization technique. Also, the day before, I had eaten very little meat and lots of fruits and rice and plantains. Maybe that had something to do with it.

                             for some odd reason, there's some text written at the bottom of the page, it has no context whatsoever. I assume that it's some words that popped into my head as I was falling asleep. It reads: The power of psycho cosmic power


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