
Showing posts from February, 2021
I am going to write exactly what I wrote in my astral projection journal on this blog. This is an astral projection experience I had in the early stages of learning how to astral project. Keep in mind that I was trying to get what I experienced and remembered written down rather than trying to make it organized. Anyways I hope you guys learn something from it. Enjoy!                                                                                                                                            Astral Projection experience                                                                                                     June 27, 2020        I astral projected two times, the first memory Is fading but the second one I heard a beautiful singing voice, absolutely beautiful. I couldn't make out what she was saying. Anyways I opened my eyes and tried to move, considering that I couldn't, I crawled out of bed to my left onto a couch. I couldn't turn my head to the left

Sleep paralysis and Overcoming the Fear.

  Imagine this. One morning you wake up, you look around your room but something feels off. You try to get up and you immediately realize that you're paralyzed! You think back to the stories you've heard about sleep paralysis and start fearing that you'll see a sleep paralysis demon. Right after you think that thought, a sleep paralysis demon shows up on your chest! What a coincidence! All of a sudden you feel like you can't breathe. You grasp for air but none enters your lungs. You struggle for what feels like 30 minutes while this ominous entity is standing there until finally, everything comes back to normal, the entity is gone and you can move again. Sleep Paralysis                                                                            Sleep paralysis is a major aspect of astral projection, It is also a major barrier. Many people do not manage to astral project simply because they are afraid of sleep paralysis. I will go over what sleep paralysis is and how to g

How to Astral Project

Astral Projection What is Astral Projection? Astral projection, also known as Out of Body Experience refers to leaving your body via meditation or sleep in order to explore the world without the limitations that come with having a physical body, and it's more common than you might think. Studies show that nearly 10 percent of the world's population has experienced an out of body experience at least once in their lifetime. This means that about 700 million people have had at least one out of body experience. Things you can do while having an OBE (Out of Body Experience) When you astral project you can really do anything! You can go through walls, fly, go to space, go to the moon, visit alternate dimensions, and so much more. The only limit in the astral is yourself. There are cases where people experience things that cannot be explained with our current understanding of consciousness. People who are blind who experience an OBE claim that they could actually  see in the astral.